
Pianoscarano – Immagine di un borgo – note storiche

Pianoscarano – Immagine di un borgo – note storiche

Book in Italian – In these pages Noris Angeli helps us discover one of the most beautiful medieval quarter of Europe. Through an attentive reconstruction using archival material, many seen for the first time, the author accompanies us from the high middle ages to our time.

ISBN: 978-88-96889-03-9


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In these pages Noris Angeli helps us discover one of the most beautiful medieval quarter of Europe. Through an attentive reconstruction using archival material, many seen for the first time, the author accompanies us from the high middle ages to our time.

By the same author Viterbo. Espressione musicale dal XVI al XX secolo” and “Orafi e argentieri a Viterbo“, and the collection of poetryIncontri fuori stagione“.