
Diario di donne

Diario di donne

Book in Italian – From the introduction: Women, what is the woman in this book? Not only wife or single, defined according to her relation with others, not female, mere definition of gender.

ISBN: 978-88-96889-62-6


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From the introduction:


Women, what is the woman in this book? Not only wife or single, defined according to her relation with others, not female, mere definition of gender.

Woman is full of significance in her sense and variables. Beautiful or ugly? Inconstant or stable? Timid or expansive? Chaste or voluptuous? Simply all these things, and still others too. And all these  qualities are further  elevated by the use of the plural in the title so much wished for, dense of significance, to make it even more difficult the project of Priscilla Murli.


Thus reserve, secrets, intimacy. This is the level of the research that the author searches in the soul of her characters, digging down in the bottom of their souls, constructing their characters using elaborate thoughts, valuations and judgments, positive, negative and mostly suspended.


The author is able to create definite characters from nothing, but cloudy enough to be credible and come out from the book to become real. She faces spiny themes without false morality or pretending truths. She puts herself on the part of doubt. Moves the camera to catch her creatures  at 360°, passing from black and white through infinite shades of gray. Not judging but living with Lisa, Antonella, Giulia and all the other main characters of the episodes, victims of surprises that life reserves for us.

All is delivered with fast, short style, moving along like the time going by, a style that Priscilla has shown us in her well known poetry.

Along with the author, I invite you to not hesitate: begin immediately and happy reading.

Other poetry collections by the same author: “Un’anima qualunque” and “Sussurrare alle onde” and the novels “Alla fine di un viaggio” e “Con la bocca piena di terra